Lahara Service Station URM
The Lahara Service Station Underground Risk Management (URM) Project involved complete replacement of all fuel systems related equipments.
Client: Mobil
Project Type: Service Station
About this Project
- Removal of existing underground tanks, fittings, pipelines
- Excavation works and concrete breaking for new tank pit, new pipeline routes, new sumps
- Construction of concrete tank pit base and deadman anchoring
- Installation of 4 new double-walled underground fuel storage tanks, including all related tank fittings
- Installation of flexible fuel piping system
- Installation of new fuel dispensers complete with branding
- Installation of fiberglass tank, vent, remote fill point and dispenser sumps
- Installation and configuration of pump control system console
- Installation of automatic tank gauging system
- Re-construction of forecourt and tank farm pavement/concrete, and pump islands
- Conducted tanks and pipelines pre- and post-bury integrity testing
- Testing and commissioning of new fuel dispensers and all related fuel systems electricals
- Renovation of the forecourt canopy, involving replacement of existing canopy elements (roofing, fascia, ceiling, electrical) and refurbishment of the main structure and frames.
- Refurbishment of the fuel sales office and public toilets
- Repainting of shop building exterior
- Replacement of main switchboard and automatic changeover switch for genset
- Installation of new LED security/area lighting
Erima Service Station
This project involves the construction of a brand-new service station including 2 underground fuel tanks, 3 fuel dispensers, new canopy, and new building.
The Lahara Service Station Underground Risk Management (URM) Project involved complete replacement of all fuel systems related equipments.
The Koki Fish Market Unmanned Fuel Facility Project involved the construction of a new refuelling facility that included an above ground fuel storage tank, 3 fuel dispensers and a cabin office container.